Rangkaian Media Sosial PahangKu


Saturday, November 10, 2012

Sister In Islam Sokong Nurul Izzah Murtad

PETALING JAYA: Freedom of religion as a right enshrined under the Federal Constitution must also recognise the freedom to change faith, said Sisters In Islam (SIS).

Rallying behind PKR vice-president Nurul Izzah Anwar’s call for freedom of religion for all, the NGO said faith in any religion was based on free will.

“How can Muslims demand this notion of religious freedom for those wishing to convert to Islam and at the same time argue the denial of this freedom to leave Islam?

“Faith by compulsion may lead to hypocrisy,” SIS said in a statement.

The Muslim women rights advocate maintained a strong position against legislation of faith, saying that such practice was meaningless.

“Islam itself means submission to the will of God – not the will of men. The willing submission of the self to faith and belief must therefore be attained through conviction and reason of the individual, not by coercion and duress. - SIS

Satu persatu golongan munafik mula menunjukkan wajah sebenar mereka. Sejak Nurul Izzah menyatakan sokongannya kepada orang melayu yang murtad dan LGBT, mereka mula mengeluarkan pelbagai kenyataan yang mempertahankan perbuatan biadap Nurul Izzah.

Dan tak mustahil pula nanti, mereka akan mengeluarkan kenyataan Allah itu Maha Penyayang dan Maha Pengasih. Kalau Dia tidak redha dengan agama lain, mengapa pula dia membenarkan kewujudan pelbagai agama di dunia ini, sedangkan Dia Maha Berkuasa.

Justeru, kata mereka lagi, ianya tidak salah untuk memeluk agama selain agama Allah Taala selagi mereka berbuat baik, maka baiklah balasannya.

